How are you?
11 June 201111.6.11
Today i woke up at 11.30am. Well, it just like usual. I wake up late during this beautiful weekend. It's because of i slept late, almost 3am, yesterday. After taken my BRUNCH(breakfast+lunch), i check out if there got any news as usual. From Facebook, forum, blog and etc.
Seriously i feel like lack of friend's gathering recently. And it's hard to have a heart-to-heart talk with anybody. By the way, i received an invitation of gathering with unconfirmed date and time. Friend-gathering. Yes, i still remember i had a dream yesterday. About some of my friends. But i could'nt recall back what's the details inside my dream. I had dream, these few days.
Sometimes, i seems to have a strong temptation to sit alone inside a coffee shop, with a cup of luscious coffee, sitting in front of my laptop, turning on music player and writting about anything or reading my favourite books and periodicals. And nobody else around me. Enjoy the perfection of loneliness. It's perfect. Seems to be perfect. But now, i'm sitting in front of my dekstop with a bottle of plain-boiled-water instead of coffee. Listening on blog's background music- titled "Papillon" by Yiruma. It's a soft music without lyrics. What a great melody and it makes me good in mood! I seems to be enchanted by this kind of music totally! Definitely! Yes, nobody around me right now. My family members were went to work. I like the feeling. It does'nt mean that i like to be alone. But i like to be relax in this way. So clear, quiet and tranquil.Do you realise that, it seems like everybody around us has a toy in hands. That is DSLR camera(Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera).
The toy able to produce an ideally and fantastic photograph, landscape gallery and etc. Everyone is tempt to get one. Because we know that life is too short and there are so many valuable memories which we could'nt saved inside our limited-spaces brain. So we try to capture up all the memorable time as much as we can. And then when we view back those photos one day, we realised that we have such a great time in our life time. Those photos are full of commemoration. They are unique and irreplaceable. So, do you have a DSLR of your own?
Another toys are iphone5, ipad, or iOS5. I do not know how powerful those technological innovations are. Since my lousy handphone was injured on last month, one of my friend advised me it's time to buy iphone. But i admit my handphone to "hospital" instead of buying a new one. Never desire to get an iphone currently. Maybe it's not that necessary for me right now. There will be technology renovation days by days. So i'm not anxious to approach the tip of the trend. Do you have a iphone on your hands?
Well, USM(University Sians Malaysia) had released the result of course application to all students yesterday. I did not make the application but my friends did. I had applied for UPSI(University Pendidikan Sultan Idris) and some other universities around K.L. Allegedly, the result of allocation of university will be announce by middle of next month. So, i'm expecting that i will get what i want. If not, i must just accept it and then find another way to approach my aim.
Attention here. I get the news from McDonald's - "McDonald's Lovin' Mid Month Special is back! This time, its' our world famous French Fries - golden on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside. Yes! It's the BUY 1 FREE 1 ala carte medium French Fries on 14 & 15 June 11. Simply print and present this coupon at participating McDonald's restaurants. Valid in Peninsula & East Malaysia. Terms and conditions apply. Click here to print your coupon: " In addition, it is only valid during 11.00pm to 12.00midnight. So, u have to grab it!!! Haha! Honestly i'm not much insane of it. I just seems like wanna join the festival with everybody. Sometimes, i do need such a joyance to make my day up! And no more loneliness invade my mind and body.
How about movie?
I watched PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN:ON STRANGER TIDES, KUNG FU PANDA:THE KABOOM OF DOOM (in cantonese), and X-MEN:FIRST CLASS during these few weeks. Those are fucking GREAT movies! Allow me to be rough at this moment, please. Have you watch them? Don't make your regretion. Any else nice movie coming soon? Oh! There will be Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon Teaser and Final Destination 5 on end of June and August. Let's look forward to them! Oh yes, I bought a piece of "Priest"-DVD but have not start to watch yet.
I saw sentences from somewhere which make me keep thinking on it repeatly. "We need to do what the things that majority people like to do. If not, you are out of this "game" and become isolated." This sentences implied the reality in this world that we could ever forget.
My life just as simple as you never thought. It's simple because of lack of your voices. Friend, how are you? Permit me to say, I MISS YOU.
Lynn Ng
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