I know I've been abandoned my blog for long time....
Sorry for my neglection.
I just came back from work, 5:05pm.
It's raining day... I'm feeling good and comfort right now...!
I think all of you are same like me for waiting the rain during these few days!
Argg! The weather was HOT on last few days...
Even took bath after few minutes out from washroom, I sweat a lots.
I had fed up with it. -disrupted my mood>.<
Well, recently I have no much chance to shop, due to transport problem, sad.
So I became home-type-girl naturally......
I want to OUT-GOING!!
Although I did online shopping, and feeling great too, save time and energy to walk around
shopping centre...
BUT, I really want to have a date, I'm feeling vapidity and bored!
Precondition is, BOSS please give me salary ASAP lar~~~~~~~haiz
I wanna buy a lots of thingys...
Especially Garth Sage products from Australia-
http://garthsage.net/products.htmlAbove is website about the product.
GARTH SAGE Skin Care Series of products is made of 100% natural herbal plant essence for
skin-care and skin treatment.. So the price also came out from the '100% natural'.
It's the reason why I m so loving it!!!!!! haha.
Secondly, clothing. I can't give up chasing fashion anytime...
So my wardrobe gonna burst.... =P
The rest of thingys are: someone's gift, purse, cosmetics, dinner dress, bag, DSLR, HTC, laptop,
Looking forward for my outing day...^^
p/s: Another post have not completed. please wait for me~

Fr: sM@llpurpL3